Breaking news (462)
CARICC hosted an exchange of experience in combating synthetic drug trafficking
A meeting of representatives of counter-narcotics units of law enforcement agencies of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan was organized at CARICC from 3 to 5 February 2025 to exchange information and experience in countering distribution of new synthetic drugs.
At the opening of the meeting CARICC Director A. Yazlyyev stated that taking into account current trend of drug situation development in Central Asian countries and the growing threat of spread of synthetic drugs, it becomes essential to exchange best practices in combating illicit drug trafficking, including detection and interdiction of activities of clandestine drug laboratories.
Results of the latest monitoring showed that the amount of psychotropic substances seized in CARICC Member States increased by 40.3%, the number of detected drug laboratories producing synthetic and other types of drugs went up by 16.1%.
During the three-day event participants were offered practical training on identification methods for narcotic drugs, psychotropic and potent substances and precursors, including ways to recognize it at border customs checkpoints.
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Assessment mission to explore the possibilities of establishing an early warning system for synthetic drugs
In accordance with the CARICC Action Plan for 2025, an assessment mission was conducted in Dushanbe on January 27 to explore the possibilities of establishing an early warning system for synthetic drugs.
The event was attended by experts from CARICC, Central Drug Control Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Italy, representatives of the competent authorities of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as specialists from the UNODC Regional Office in Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iran and Pakistan.
Assessment missions are envisaged in the countries of Central Asia. During the study, it is planned to summarize information on each country, with the subsequent development of a list of recommendations and an algorithm of actions to create a regional early warning system for the emergence of synthetic drugs and new psychoactive substances.
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About participation in the online meeting “Analysis of problems of combating illicit trafficking of new types of psychoactive substances in Central Asia”
CARICC representative took part in the online meeting organized on January 16, 2024 by the National Center for Drug Control under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the Institute for Strategic and Interregional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Regional Office of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iran and Pakistan.
The presentation of the joint research program “Analysis of problems of combating illicit trafficking of new types of psychoactive substances in Central Asia” was made at the event.
The participants of the meeting discussed the current drug situation in Central Asia, exchanged views on the implementation of the mentioned joint research program.
The CARICC Advisor made a presentation on “Analysis of major drug seizures in CARICC member states”, at the end of which he made a number of proposals to intensify regional cooperation in combating organized drug crime.
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Participation in the Regional Working Group Meeting on Enhancing the Capacity of Forensic Expertise (RWGFD)
Staff members of the Information and Analytical Unit of the CARICC participated in the meeting of the Regional Working Group on Enhancing the Capacity of Forensic Expertise (RWGFD) of the UNODC Regional Programme for Afghanistan and Neighboring Countries, held in Astana on December 18-19, 2024.
Representatives from the competent authorities of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, and Iran, as well as experts from the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), also took part in the event.
The participants exchanged information on the situation regarding the illegal drug trade and the trafficking of precursor chemicals in Western and Central Asia, as well as the development of regional response measures.
The staff of the CARICC Information and Analytical Unit provided participants with information on the key areas of the Center's activities, the current drug situation in the member countries, and the results of efforts in combating transnational drug-related crime.
During the meeting, participants also visited the Forensic Expertise Center of the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan.
The discussions resulted in the preparation of the corresponding recommendations.
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Participation in training under the project on strengthening coordination of Inter-Agency Mobile Teams (IMT) in Uzbekistan
UNODC Regional Office organized a training on “Identification of narcotic drugs, new psychoactive substances and illicit laboratories” in Tashkent from 9 to 14 December 2024.
The event was held at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan within the framework of the project on strengthening coordination of Inter-Agency Mobile Teams (IMT) in Uzbekistan.
This training is part of Phase III of the project “Countering Drug Trafficking through Enhanced Coordination and Capacity Building of Inter-Agency Mobile Teams (IMT) in Uzbekistan”, funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau (INL).
The event was aimed at training Uzbekistan law enforcement officers who are part of the Inter-Agency Mobile Teams (IMT) and the Operations Coordination Group (OCG), who improve skills in detecting synthetic drugs, new psychoactive substances and dismantling clandestine laboratories.
Mr. Barzu Avazzoda, CARICC analyst, participated as an expert from the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre for Combating Illicit Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors (CARICC). Other international experts were also invited to participate in the event.
Training sessions included real-life examples and practical exercises on identifying and dismantling illegal laboratories, collecting information and conducting operational actions, and exchange of views on new trends in drug trafficking and methods of combating production of synthetic drugs.
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Meeting of joint working group of SCO RATS Executive Committee and CARICC
A meeting of the Joint Working Group of the Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre for Combating Illicit Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors was held in Almaty on 11 December 2024.
During the meeting parties discussed current drug situation in the Central Asian region and Afghanistan, exchanged views on potential threats and risks of destabilization in the region, discussed information on involvement of terrorist organizations in smuggling of narcotic drugs along the “Northern route”.
Detailed information exchange on ongoing developments in combating the financing of terrorism from drug proceeds and prospects for further cooperation in this area took place during the talks.
Parties agreed to convene next meeting of the Joint Working Group in 2025 at the SCO RATS EC premises in Tashkent.
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Mr Azizbek Erkaboev, Advisor/ Head of Information and Analytical Division of CARICC, defended his doctoral dissertation in legal sciences
On December 5, 2024, a regular meeting of the Scientific Council of the Tashkent State Law University was held.
In it Mr Azizbek Erkaboev defended his thesis on “Issues of improving the international legal framework for drug control and combating illicit trafficking in Central Asia”, submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in legal sciences in the specialty “12.00.10 - International Law”.
All members of the Council unanimously supported this scientific work.
In this regard, we sincerely congratulate Mr Erkaboev on behalf of the staff of the Central Asian Regional Information Coordination Center for Combating Illicit Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors and wish him great success in his future work!
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Meeting with representatives of research centers of Shaanxi and Shanghai Universities
A roundtable discussion and meetings with representatives from Afghanistan Research Center of Shaanxi University and the International Center for Drug Policy Studies of Shanghai University were held in Xi'an and Sanya, PRC, on 18 - 20 November 2024.
Experts from the Anti-Terrorism Center of the Commonwealth of Independent States also participated in the roundtable. Opinions were exchanged on establishment of a cooperation platform between the Afghanistan Research Center of Shaanxi University, the International Center for Drug Policy Studies of Shanghai University, CARICC and the CIS ATC during the talks.
Participants discussed prospects for cooperation in exchange of information and development of analytical studies on countering terrorism and drug trafficking, links between illegal migration and drug trafficking, financing of terrorism with drug proceeds, etc.
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About the meeting with INL delegation
On 8 November 2024, CARICC Director A. Yazlyev met with Mr. Kyle Ojima, Advisor to the Bureau of Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement (INL) of the US Department of State.
The meeting addressed the status and outlook of collaboration within CARICC.
Mr. Yazlyev provided an overview of the Centre's current activities, achievements, and proposed initiatives. Director provided an update on the anti-drug operations conducted over the past three years under CARICC's coordination, resulting in the seizure of over one tonne of illicit substances. Additionally, he emphasised the importance of the information and analytical component of CARICC's activities. He also provided an overview of the planned initiatives for 2025, which are to be funded by the new INL grant to the UNODC Regional Office for the implementation of CARICC project activities.
Furthermore, the meeting allowed for the exchange of views on other issues of mutual interest.
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Meeting with Head of Security Cooperation Office of the Embassy of Italy in Tashkent at CARICC
CARICC Director A. Yazlyyev met with Bartolomeo Luca Magliarisi, Head of the Security Cooperation Office of the Embassy of Italy in Tashkent, on 6 November 2024 in Almaty.
During the meeting they discussed status and prospects of regional cooperation in counter-narcotics, primarily within the framework of CARICC and other international projects funded by the Government of Italy.
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Scientific and practical conference “Problems of countering organized crime”
Mr. B. Avazzoda, staff member of CARICC Information and Analytical Unit, took part in the international scientific-practical conference “Problems of Countering Organized Crime in Contemporary Context” at the invitation of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Yesbulatov.
The event was organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA-10).
The conference was also attended by foreign experts from international organizations (OSCE, BOMCA), representatives of law enforcement agencies, military special and higher education institutions, as well as scientists and specialists in this field.
Conference participants discussed combating organized crime as a serious challenge and a complex multidimensional problem that requires comprehensive measures by law enforcement agencies, public and state organizations, and civil society.
As an invited expert, CARICC analyst Mr. Barzu Avazzoda provided information on main directions of the Centre's activities and prospects of its development, current drug situation in countries, as well as results of work in the field of combating transnational drug crime.
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On Meeting with US INL Programme Advisor in Dushanbe
On November 1, 2024, in Almaty CARICC Director A. Yazlyyev met with Michael Kopper, Advisor for Law Enforcement and Border Security Programs of the U.S. Bureau of Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement (INL) at the U.S. Embassy in Dushanbe.
During the meeting, the parties discussed issues related to the development of co-operation in combating drug trafficking in Central Asia, and exchanged views on the prospects of co-operation in the anti-drug sphere.
Michael Copper was informed about CARICC activities, the drug situation in Central Asia and measures taken to combat drug trafficking in the region.
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