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On October 5-6, 2022, a regular meeting of the Working Group of Experts of the Paris Pact on Cross-Border Cooperation was held in a hybrid format on the basis of CARICC in support of the first thematic section of the Vienna Declaration.

The event was attended by over 80 executive and senior level delegates from 24 countries and 10 international organizations.

The welcoming speech was made by Acting Directors of CARICC Mr. Atageldy Ovezovich Yazlyev, Head of the European Union Drug Prevention Program in Central Asia (CADAP-7) Mr. Ernest Robello, UNODC Central Asia International Program Coordinator Mr. Yusuf Kurbonov and UNODC Paris Pact Program Coordinator Mr. Riku Lehtovuori.

The meeting was chaired by the Head of the Coordination Division of the UNODC Border Control Office, Mr. Tofik Murshudlu.

Issues of cooperation were discussed during the two-day event on the elimination of international drug trafficking in the world and the fight against cross-border crime.

In accordance with the program of the meeting, a CARICC employee showed a presentation on the topic: "CARICC activities in support of promoting coordination and data exchange."

As a result of the event, the expert working group of the Paris Pact on cross-border cooperation identified and developed priority recommendations for all participants in the meeting.

In particular, it is recommended to continue to expand and strengthen the exchange of information at the strategic, operational and thematic levels between partners in the Paris Pact, to use the existing secure communication channels for the exchange of information between Interpol and the World Customs Organization, regional and international law enforcement organizations / centers, such as JPC, CARICC , SELEC, GCC-CIC, SCO and others, it is recommended to strengthen mutual cooperation to achieve significant results aimed at combating drug trafficking, as well as other areas in the anti-drug field.

The participants emphasized the importance of interaction through the expansion of international cooperation, the exchange of positive experience and the further development of relations in the field of combating transnational drug crime.

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In the period from September 19 to 23, 2022, the third national simulation training for practitioners on combating human trafficking along migration routes was held on the basis of CARICC.

The organizers were the Law Enforcement Academy under the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Karaganda and Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Academy of the Border Guard Service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, CARICC, the US Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the OSCE Program Office in Nur-Sultan and Winrock International.

The event was attended by over a hundred representatives of special and law enforcement agencies, social services, labor inspection, non-governmental organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as international organizations.

Welcoming remarks were made by the Director of the Institute for Professional Training of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. Akaev Magomed Magomedzapirovich, the Head of the OSCE Program Office in Nur-Sultan, Mr. Volker Frobart, Acting Directors of CARICC Mr. Yazlyev Atageldy Ovezovich, as well as Director of Winrock International Ms. Eleanor Valentine.

The format of the simulation training provided for the creation of conditions and situations aimed at simulating the actual commission of a criminal act in order to develop practical skills for specialists in the timely detection, methods of detention, suppression and methods of investigating certain types of crimes and assisting their victims, as well as to develop further measures to solve problems and problematic issues related to human trafficking, including their involvement in drug trafficking.

One of the main tasks of the simulation training was to develop methods of interaction within the framework of interdepartmental investigative and operational groups to identify persons involved in illegal human trafficking and drug trafficking.

The participants of the simulation training exchanged expert opinions, experience and best practices on the issues of investigation and suppression of crimes related to illegal trafficking of people and their exploitation in clandestine laboratories, as well as coercion to transport narcotic drugs across the state border.

Participants and organizers of the training noted the high practical value of events held in this format.

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In Almaty on 23 September 2022, CARICC delegation met with the US delegation headed by Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) Ms Lisa A. Johnson.

At the meeting, CARICC Director R. Miralizoda informed the American side about the current activities, achievements and proposed initiatives of the Center, which is one of the large-scale projects of UNODC.

It was noted that since 2020, under the coordination of CARICC, together with partners, 7 short-term anti-drug operations have been successfully carried out, more than 700 kg of drugs have been seized. Currently, CARICC acts as a link in the planning and implementation of four more operational developments.

Director of the Center drew attention to the analysis of the information received by CARICC, which testifies to the deterioration of the drug situation in the region, primarily in relation to the threat of the spread of synthetic drugs, including using the Internet.

Taking into account the development of the drug situation in the region against the background of the current situation in Afghanistan, it was proposed to make wider use of CARICC's capabilities to implement new UNODC initiatives in Central Asia.

In turn, Ms Lisa A. Johnson said that the United States has been one of the main donors to CARICC since the launch of the UNODC project "On the Establishment of CARICC". She expressed hope for the further development of CARICC together with its member states in organizing its activities and conducting anti-drug operations. She noted that the joint funding of the Center by its member states will be the next stage in the development of CARICC as a regional information and coordination tool to combat transnational challenges and drug trafficking threats.

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On September 20, 2022, in Lisbon (Portugal), a meeting of the CARICC delegation headed by the Director Major General of Militia R.Miralizoda with the delegation of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) headed by the Director A.Goosdeel took place.

The meeting was organized in accordance with the Plan of Main Events of CARICC for the 2nd half of 2022 in order to discuss priority areas of cooperation between the two centers.

The CARICC Director informed the EMCDDA delegation about the Center's current activities and proposed initiatives.

In order to intensify practical interaction with the specified European analytical center, the head of CARICC proposed:

  • to establish direct contacts between CARICC and EMCDDA for the exchange of information and experience;
  • - carry out a regular exchange of information on combating the spread of synthetic drugs in the countries of Central Asia and the European Union.

In turn, the EMCDDA experts informed about the trends in the development of the drug situation in the countries of the European Union, including against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic and the post-COVID period. The European side provided information on the spread of synthetic drugs in the Eurozone states, and expressed interest in monitoring the drug situation in Afghanistan.

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As part of the component to strengthen cross-border cooperation in Central Asia through the formation of information networks in the departments responsible for ensuring border security of Sub-program 1 of the UNODC Program for the Central Asian States from 12 to 16 September 2022 at the Faculty of Retraining and Advanced Training of the Higher Military Customs Institute of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, CARICC employees conducted a basic training course on the operation of geoinformation software ESRI "ArcGIS" and "SAS Plaet".

During the training, the basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills in organizing and conducting strategic data analysis using geoinformation software products were provided to participants.

The training course based on a combination of several teaching methods, according to the principle: story-show-consolidation of the material covered by solving practical exercises using MS Excel and geoinformation software.

The participants of the training course noted that the training material met their expectations and was of practical interest for organizing and conducting strategic data analysis. Also, the task force assured event organizers and instructors that learning how to use ArcGIS software and its subsequent application will increase the capacity of employees in the field of strategic data analysis.

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On September 2, 2022, students of the Faculty of Initial Professional Training of the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Esbulatov visited CARICC.

The meeting was also attended by the leadership and teaching staff of the aforementioned Academy, as well as the Interdepartmental Center for the Training of Specialists in Combating Drug Crime.

The delegates were briefly provided with information about the main activities of the Center and the prospects for its development, analytical products of CARICC, the current drug situation in its countries, as well as the results of work in the field of combating transnational drug crime, including the detection of clandestine laboratories using the potential of CARICC.

In addition, a constructive exchange of views and experience in the anti-drug sphere took place with the participants of the meeting.

Based on the results of the above visit, within the framework of continuous cooperation between CARICC and the Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of this educational institution expressed gratitude to the CARICC employees for conducting an introductory training and noted that such events contribute to improving their professional level and skills.

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In August 2022, CARICC specialists jointly conducted assessment missions with a representative of the Regional Program for Afghanistan and neighboring countries in the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, combined with a one-day training to collect and classification of information within the framework of the RO "Reflex" and "Substitution".

On August 18-19, the event, organized on the basis of the Counter Narcotics Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, was attended by senior officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Border Service of the State Committee for National Security and the State Customs Service under the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic.

On August 22-23, a similar meeting was held at the DCA training center under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, which was attended by senior officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Border Troops of the State Committee for National Security and the Customs Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The assessment mission in Turkmenistan was carried out on August 29-30 in the UN building (Akhshabad) with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Border Service and the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan.

During the working meetings, the specialists of the Center presented the results of RO "Reflex-2021" and "Substitution. Phase 2”, as well as plans for the implementation of the next stages of these regional operations aimed at combating with the spread of new psychoactive substances, psychotropic substances and other synthetic drugs, as well as to detect and stop the smuggling of precursors used for drug production. CARICC experts conducted practical exercises on the collection and classification of information within the planned regional operations "Reflex-2022" and "Substitution. Phase 3. The participants also discussed the needs of the competent authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan for the successful implementation of regional operations.

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On August 22, 2022, in Tashkent, a meeting of the CARICC delegation headed by the Director Major General of Militia R. Miralizoda with the delegation of the RATS SCO Executive Committee headed by the Director Major General R. Mirzaev took place.

The meeting was held in order to intensify the activities of the Joint Working Group of CARICC and the Executive Committee of the RATS SCO to conduct an analytical study in the field of the relationship between drug trafficking, transnational crime and terrorism in the Central Asian region.

The parties exchanged views on the development of the drug situation in Central Asia. They noted that the intensification of the activities of transnational organized criminal drug groups is a growing threat to the CARICC member states.

The Director of CARICC proposed to intensify bilateral cooperation through the Joint Working Group on the study of topical problems of the relationship between terrorism and drug trafficking, including in the field of financing terrorism from funds received from drug trafficking.

The parties discussed the possibility of organizing in October this year. on the basis of CARICC in Almaty, a meeting of experts from the EC RATS SCO and the Center to discuss issues arising from joint activities.

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